Christie Medical Whitepapers

Whitepapers Support VeinViewer Capabilities and Benefits

Read support materials about how VeinViewer technology is beneficial to healthcare professionals and can improve patient outcomes.

​​​​​​Learn more about vascular access challenges and the proven impact VeinViewer®​ technology can provide in a healthcare  setting. Download the papers you want by clicking on the appropriate link. Contact us with questions or feedback by submitting an inquiry or calling SEE VEIN (733-8346) | International +01 (901) 721-0330.

VeinViewer reviewed by parents and pediatric patients
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Summary of peer-reviewed articles about VeinViewer shows acceptance from both parents and clinicians, as well as statistically significant effectiveness.

VeinViewer NIR and Eye Safety
Thursday, August 15, 2013

A third-party conducted quality tests on the safety of VeinViewer’s near-infrared light.

Use of VeinViewer in IV Cannulation of Critically Ill Children
Thursday, August 15, 2013

A third-party conducted quality tests on the safety of VeinViewer’s near-infrared light.

VeinViewer Tested Against Traditional Methods to Gain PIV Access
Thursday, August 15, 2013

VeinViewer facilitated peripheral venous access for pediatric patients with difficult veins, which increased first attempt success rates and shortened procedural time.

VeinViewer MaxDepth
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

VeinViewer can provide visualization of more potential vascular access sites. VeinViewer has been proven to visualize veins up to 10mm deep; more recent studies show the device can detect blood patterns up to 15mm deep.

Real-Depth Accuracy Value (RDAV)
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

RDAV, or Real Depth Accuracy Value, associates projected vein width accuracy to depth of the vessel to define accuracy percentiles. VeinViewer shows near-perfect accuracy throughout depth, up to 10mm.

Impact that VeinViewer Vision Made on Patient Satisfaction
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Medical institutions looking for ways to improve patient care or satisfaction rates often assess new, innovative technologies. Improving a patient’s satisfaction of care could be a result of the patient experiencing less pain, feeling better faster, or a better overall experience with the clinician.

Using VeinViewer in Decision Making
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Evaluation shows VeinViewer helped nursing staff see more viable options and avoid valves during cannulation.

VeinViewer Revolutionizes Visualization of Blood Vessels
Friday, April 8, 2011

VeinViewer used in evaluation of DVA (Difficult Venous Access) patients.

VeinViewer Technology

Watch here for details on VeinViewer technology and its benefits.

VeinViewer’s breakthrough light technology has greatly improved vascular access – Pre, During, and Post Benefits.
